How To Embed Facebook Video In WordPress Easily in 2021

How to embed facebook video in wordpress

Want to know How to Embed Facebook Video in WordPress in 2021?

Yes, this is the right time to go for it

Video content consumption booming right now. YouTube videos are on a great BOOM right now.On the other hand, Facebook videos are also picking up with a STRONG grip side by side.

In fact, many influencers and Youtubers also upload and promote their videos on Facebook to accumulate a massive amount of traffics.

In this case, smart bloggers like you and I may also want to insert relevant Facebook videos on our blog posts for higher rankings.

But many of us might have struggled to do so. 

You are not alone. Because there is no separate widget to insert Facebook videos just like YouTube or Vimeo, it is difficult to first find out where is it hidden.

Video widget in Elementor

So, if you are looking for a solution on – How to embed Facebook video in WordPress, then you will love this new article on the same.

I will show you the two best methods to embed Facebook videos in your WordPress posts very easily.

Now, let’s begin.

How to embed facebook video in wordpress
How to embed facebook video in wordpress

2 Best Ways To Embed Facebook Video In WordPress Quickly

1. Directly Through Facebook Tool –

As Facebook is becoming smarter and well equipped with Artificial Intelligence day by day, it is nearly possible for them to solve almost every problem of their viewers.

This is the main reason why Facebook keeps bringing new yet positive changes to its app in the form of a weekly or a monthly update.

One of their best updates is to introduce their own tool Embedded video and live video player.

How To Embed Facebook Video In WordPress Easily in 2021

This free tool by Facebook allows you to embed any video in WordPress with the help of a generated code by them.

In short, you will be able to embed any Facebook video to your blog through a pre-given JavaScript code given by them after following a series of steps:

1) Head over to Facebook on your pc browser.

How To Embed Facebook Video In WordPress Easily in 2021

2) Then hover over the videos and open the one that you would like to finalize in your blog post.  

For example, I would like to embed one of WPBeginner’s Facebook video in my article, so I will open that specific video.

How To Embed Facebook Video In WordPress Easily in 2021

3) After you open that video, you will see a THREE DOT menu icon at the top right

How to embed facebook video in wordpress manually

4) Click on that icon and you will see many options as a dropdown. Out of them, click on the EMBED option.

How To Embed Facebook Video In WordPress Easily in 2021

5) Now, you can directly embed the given code by clicking on the COPY BUTTON in blue color.

You can also tick the option of INCLUDE FULL POST to embed the full Facebook video including the social proofs.

Include full Facebook video

6) But wait, you may now ask what about that Facebook video embedder.

Well, if you want to play around with advanced settings like – size and ratio of the embedded video, then you can modify it accordingly through the tool.

Otherwise, you can directly embed the given code from Facebook.

Facebook embed code

7) Out of the two codes given, copy the first one and paste it in your WordPress header.php file or through a plugin like Insert headers and footers.

Insert headers and footers free plugin

8) The second code is supposed to be posted on the article itself. In short, wherever you want to display the video.

Here’s an example form one of my articles:

I am using the Elementor Page builder therefore I have used a widget named HTML to paste the second code. 

HTML widget in Elementor

However, you have the full right to use the same tactic in any editor ranging from Gutenberg to Classic editor.

9) After pasting the code, update the article and view your post. You will be able to successfully see that Facebook video on your screen.

Note: Remember that when you want to upload, for instance, a new Facebook video on your article. In this case, you do not need to copy and paste the FIRST code again.

All you need then is the second code. Put another way. The FIRST CODE should only be pasted one time in header.php as discussed earlier.

This was the MANUAL yet the commonly and widely used method to embed Facebook videos to your WordPress articles the right way.

Yet, there is one more convenient method to do the same but with little ease.

Let’s dig it too 🙂

2. Through a free WordPress plugin –

Let’s say, you find the first method too much-hyped, time-consuming and you want an alternative to it.

Fortunately, there is one.

But before that, let me ask you one question: What is the bread and butter of WordPress? 


Plugins are the heart of the town hall to your WordPress. A single plugin can solve many problems. That’s the main reason why WordPress now powers around 42.4% of the world’s websites.

Added, there are also many plugins available to embed video automatically without using their manual tool.

One of the best plugins is Magic Embeds.

How To Embed Facebook Video In WordPress Easily in 2021

This free WordPress plugin does wonders when it comes to embedding different media types from Facebook.

Yes, you heard it right. It not only allows in embedding videos but also other types as shown below:

How To Embed Facebook Video In WordPress Easily in 2021

Not only that, but Magic embed is also available with pre-built shortcodes which allow you to display customizable elements wherever you want in WordPress.

Be it a single share button, comment, or likes, you have got everything covered with them all for FREE.

Once you install & activate Magic Embeds, they will guide you through everything from scratch. You do not need to be a technical scientist to learn using this plugin.

In fact, it is a very easy to use and user friendly plugin.

No wonder they have over 10,000 active installs and a decent user rating.

Magic embeds active installations

Note: For this plugin to run on your WordPress panel, make sure your hosting is using a PHP version of at least 5.4 as they recommend the same.

Over To You

These were the two topmost methods on how to embed Facebook videos in WordPress.

Initially, it seems a bit technical. However, it is very easy to replicate once you start using these methods frequently.

If you ask me, I would love the first method i.e. the manual method. 


Because I don’t like to install many plugins, I prefer doing it on my own. Yet, it is all up to you about what you want to choose.

Both methods are suitable and easy to implement.

This was all from my side. Now, I would like to hear from you.

Out of the 2 methods, which one are you going to use?

Also, is there any other unique method of embedding Facebook videos in WordPress that is not mentioned here?

Either way. Let me know by leaving a quick answer right now.

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