How To Make Money Online in Cambodia In 2021 | 5 Best Ways

How to make money online in Cambodia

How To Make Money Online in Cambodia In 2021 | 5 Best Ways

Are you looking for How to make money online in Cambodia? Though Cambodia is still a developing country like many other countries, people residing over there have great potential to make money online about which many of the residents are still not aware of.

This is the definitive guide on how to make money online in Cambodia.

Therefore, if you are living are Cambodia and want to:

  • Create an extra source of online income.
  • Live with freedom lifestyle.
  • Be your own boss.
  • Make passive income.

And lots more. Then you will love our new guide.

Without further ado, let’s jump right in.

How to make money online in Cambodia
How to make money online in Cambodia

5 Best Ways To Make Money Online In Cambodia

1. Blogging –

Online jobs in Cambodia
How to Make Money Online in Cambodia by Blogging

They say…

Blogging is dead.

I say…

It can never die. It will live at least till Google is alive. Every giant search engine including Google runs through blogs made by you and me.

No doubt advertisers get some amount of preference in showing ads to your pages. However, you create your blog and make money even while you sleep.

First of all, let us discuss the real definition of blogging.

What is Blogging?

Blogging is a continuous process of publishing personal experiences or researched theories on the web. In short, blogging helps you write content on the web and share it with the world.

In the initial days, blogging was pursued by the people as a hobby. However, if we talk about the current scenario, it is one of the most online profitable businesses.

Like every other country, there are many successful bloggers in Cambodia too.

Luckily, you can be the next one if you are ready to put in:

You will need to understand that blogging is not a quick-rich scheme.

Also, you do not need to be a great writer or write blog posts faster to achieve blogging success. All you need is a consistent effort and never giving up attitude.

In blogging, you also need an initial investment of domain & hosting.

The domain is your brand name. For example, is our domain name.

Similarly, hosting is your personal space on the internet and the search engine.

To start with, we recommend A2Hosting. This hosting is not only best for beginners but also provides various other benefits like one-click WordPress install, Full time live chat & support, super-fast servers & additional assistance.

How to Make Money from Blogging?

When it comes to making money from blogging, there are countless options. However, here are some of the most lucrative & buzzy options:

And a never-ending list.

Therefore, blogging is a great option if you are serious about it & if you love writing. Make use of your writing.

Take action & see the change.

2. Freelancing –

According to Forbes, one of the freelancing platforms named Up work reported quarterly revenue of $ 90 million which was 10% more than their desired estimation.

Up work, there are many other prestigious freelancing platforms like Fiverr, Freelancer, Truelancer, etc. which have shown flying colors over the past few years.

This shows the true potential of freelancing & it is only going to increase.

Demand for freelancers is increasing due to the increase in workload by the companies.

Therefore, you can be a freelancer in a particular niche that interest you & make a side income through it.

There are freelancers for almost every single niche out there.

Be it content writing, data entry, programming ort even logo designing, many businesses hire freelancers to get their every minute work done.

Though competition is increasing day by day, you can still start freelancing.

The best beginning tips to start freelancing is to provide free services for a small period. It will not only help in building connections & trust but also help in improving your profile relevancy and rating.

Some of the best freelancing sites to start are as follows:

  1. Fiverr
  2. Up Work
  3. Freelancer
  4. Truelancer

Create a solid profile in any of them. Start applying for various tasks. Get approved & keep doing it.

Once your rating increases & clients start acquiring trust in your services, you will eventually get paid high.

Freelancing is still a thing.

3. Online Tutoring –

Make money online in Cambodia through online teaching
How to Make Money Online in Cambodia by becoming an Online Tutor

Luckily, you do not require a teaching degree to start teaching at this age.

You can teach anything that you know & make money out of it.


Let’s learn through an example:

As Cambodia is famous for many things including beaches, tourists from all over the world come to visit the place. In this case, many of them may not know Cambodia’s main language i.e. Khmer.

Let’s say, for instance, you know English as well as Khmer. In this case, you can teach them your language if they are interested to learn in exchange for a specific amount of money.

This was just an idea. You can do whatever you want.

There are many learning sites like UdemyCoursera, etc. where people pay to learn online.

Here, you can create a course on anything that matches your skillset & keep a fixed price for that course.

If you are uncomfortable speaking in front of a camera, you can create a blog and teach about whatever you feel like teaching.

4. Affiliate Marketing –

Make money online through affiliate marketing
How to Make Money Online in Cambodia by Affilate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a part of digital marketing where you need to promote other people’s/brands’ products and receive a commission whoever there is a qualified sale from your link.

Affiliate marketing is not MLM.

Just like blogging, affiliate marketing is a real business. The only difference and benefit of affiliate marketing are that you can do it even without a website.

In affiliate marketing, you can create a landing page for a specific product & promote it through various mediums like:


If you wish to learn & start affiliate marketing, this detailed guide by Neil Patel can be a perfect fit for you 🙂

With this out the way, let’s uncover the last but not the least method to make money online in Cambodia.

5. Investing –

Make passive income through investing
How to Make Money Online in Cambodia by Investing

This is a big one.

Despite people portraying Investing to be riskier, it is one of my favorite passive money-making options.

Warning: We do not recommend starting investing without self-learning or professional advice.

Also, one should never invest all his/her money after borrowing it from someone or through a loan. Investing should only be done when you have an excess of money.

There are many places to invest in:

  1. Stock Market.
  2. Real Estate.
  3. Mutual Funds.
  4. Index Funds.
  5. Exchange-Traded Funds (ETF)


However, this article is focused on investing in the stock market.

Investing is all about buying company shares at low prices & hold them for the long term or sell it when the price goes high.

Why is investing a good option?

If we see the current situation, people usually see investing as a taboo or illegal for society. Also, stock markets if developing countries are still not matured enough to grow.

That’s where you can buy blue-chip companies at a low price & hold them for the future where no. of investors will eventually increase & the stock price can also go very high.

To start investing in Cambodia, all you will need is a bank account and a Demat account.

However, if you wish to start investing in the Khmer stock exchange the right way, do check this definitive guide by Movetoasia.


These were the five best and rewarding methods on How to make money online in Cambodia.

I hopefully assume that you will take action on either of them & bring a positive change.

This was all from my side. Now, I would eagerly like to hear from you.

Out of five tactics, which one did you like the most?

Also, is there any other unique answer to How to make money online in Cambodia?

Either way. Let me know by leaving a quick comment right now.

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